This blog contains information for Mrs. Pluta's classes at the Lorain County JVS. It is hoped that Our Classroom Connection will keep students engaged in class discussion outside the school day.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Farewell 2011!

It's hard to believe that 2011 is coming to a close.  For my seniors, it means we're almost to your graduation year!  You'll have five short months to finish up your high school career.  For juniors, you're one year closer!  They say time flies when you're having fun.  Hopefully you enjoyed 2011 and have no regrets.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Hanukkah

This evening begins the Jewish celebration of the Festival of Light.  Since most of my students are unfamiliar with Jewish holidays, I would like to take this opportunity to share a few facts.  This isn't simply a Jewish Christmas.
  • It is a celebration of the Maccabee's victory over a Greek army that was occupying their holy lands.
  • The eight days are a remembrance of the number of days the meneorah stayed lit, although there was only enough oil for one day.
  • Children often play games with the dreidel and are given gelt--real or chocolate coins.

Friday, December 16, 2011

A Little Time Off

Tis the season to have a winter break from school!  While I know all of my students (and myself) are looking forward to some time off school, I wanted to remind everyone that our students should follow the JVS schedule.  Our break begins on Thursday, December 22nd.  And, because I know you will miss school, we return on Wednesday, January 4th.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Annual JVS Food Drive

Every year, the Lorain County JVS holds a food drive during November and December.  All proceeds are donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank and are then distributed to numerous pantries across Lorain County.

All students, teachers, and staff are encouraged to donate five pounds of food each.  If this would happen, the JVS would donate over three tons of food to the Food Bank.  This would go a long way in helping those in need during the holiday season.

It has been my experience that the students of JVS are always very generous during the food drive, our two blood drives, and any other collection held for those in need.  I am proud of all our students are able to do to help make our county a wonderful place to live!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


We have a lot going on this month.
**In American Civics, students are researching an influential figure for America.
**In Psychology, students are working on projects for a psychology fair.
**In Computer Applications, students are exploring Google documents and creating their own blogs!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's a Stressful Time of Year!

Try not to get caught up in the rat race.  Make sure you're keeping a healthy balance of school, work, family, and friends!  Don't allow your assignments to pile up; it's so much easier to simply do the work as it's assigned!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Washington, DC

This week, I am travelling to Washington, DC, to attend the annual conference for NCSS (National Council for the Social Studies).  This is a great opportunity for me to participate in various workshops, visit with other Social Studies teachers, and attend lectures by prominent professors and authors.  I have been looking forward to this for a few months and I look forward to sharing lots of new ideas with my students and colleagues when I return.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate and I'll have the chance to explore the city a bit while I'm there.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Caption Contest #4

Here is a chance to earn some extra credit for the second quarter.  Below is a picture.  If you post a comment by the end of the day on Wednesday, November 30th, you will earn five bonus points.  Be sure to include your name!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

For five bonus points, post a comment with something you're thankful for.  Be sure to post before school starts on Monday.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

New Research Assignments

Last quarter, Psychology students selected, read, summarized, and evaluated four articles from Psychology Today online.  This quarter, they have chosen a subject to research.  Students will compile a fact sheet, create a tri-fold board, and participate in a pscyhology fair.  We will be working on this assignment throughout the quarter.  Please check my JVS Website for up-to-date information.

For my American Civics classes, students researched the government of a different country.  They had the option of preparing a paper or sharing a presentation.  This quarter, they are reading the biography of a person that has had an influence on America.  They will keep a journal while reading and then write a paper AND share a presentation.  This is a joint project with Mrs. Bilczo's English classes and Mrs. Eland's American Civics classes.  There is more information at my JVS Website.

Monday, November 14, 2011

2nd Quarter

Today is the first day of the second quarter.  For those of you that did not like your first quarter grade, you have the chance to improve.  For those of you that had some success, keep up the good work!  This quarter is not as long as the first, and we also have Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks to interrupt it.  The year is going quickly, I hope you're taking advantage of learning opportunities and also enjoy your year!

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Day of Remembrance

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that have served in any branch of our armed forces.  I appreciate the protection you have provided to myself, my family, and the rest of America.  It is an extreme sacrifice to serve in the military, so today we thank you!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Welcome November

Don't be mesmerized by the pretty fall colors, you still have some work to do!  The first quarter ends November 11th and Civics and Psychology have the quarterly projects to turn in. 

We have a long stretch until Thanksgiving break, so stay focused!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 9

I know this is the quarter that never ends, but we have three full weeks left.  That means you have plenty of time to either raise your grade up a bit or to let it drop.  PLEASE make sure you're trying to improve your grade. 

Some reminders:
  • Civics: You'll take the Unit Two test this week.  You also need to complete your research on your chosen country's government.  If you are sharing a presentation, be sure to sign up immediately.
  • Psychology: You're taking a test over chapters Three and Four this week.  You also have the quarterly assignment to complete--a summary and review of FOUR articles from Psychology Today.
  • Computer Applications: Many of you have fallen behind.  We have a few more projects to complete this quarter.  Stay on track!
All students received three hall passes and one late pass at the start of this quarter.  I'll collect the unused passes November 9th for bonus points.  If you're missing an assignment from the last two weeks, you should consider using your late pass. 


Have a great week!  If you have any questions or concerns, see me immediately.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Caption Contest #3

I came across this picture and HAD to use it for another caption contest.  So, come up with a snappy caption for this awesome pic and I'll give you FIVE bonus points.  Make sure you include your name and post your comment by Friday, October 21, at 2:14.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Progress Reports

On Monday, students received a progress report for my class. I asked that these reports be signed and returned by Wednesday, October 12th. In addition to notifiying parents of student progress, I wanted to again inform you about our upcoming parent conference evening--Wednesday, October 19th.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email. And I hope to meet with you on the 19th.

Friday, October 7, 2011


You may have noticed that we have no school on Friday, October 14th.  On the calendar, the day off is listed as NEOEA Day.  Do you know what that means?  Do you even care?  Well, it's actually a day for teachers to explore professional development activities.  Most of your teachers regularly go to workshops and take classes to discover new ideas for their curriculum. 

So, while you will have a day off school, be prepared to return to teachers who have some new techniques to use in class!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Caption Contest #2

Hopefully more of you are checking my blog and will find this extra credit opportunity!  Check out this picture and think of a great caption.  Comment below by the end of the school day on Friday, October 7th, and earn five bonus points.  Please include your name so I can give you the extra credit!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Halfway Done

We are about halfway through the first quarter as we start our sixth week of the school year. Remember that juniors have two weeks to decide if JVS is right for them, so this first quarter is the longest of the school year.  The good news is that you have plenty of time to raise grades that aren't what you'd like to have.  The bad news is you have to keep working!

American Civics and Psychology students have first quarter assignments to complete.  Those are due by the end of the quarter, November 11th.  Hopefully you have started these project and are halfway done!  We'll be using the netbooks in class on Tuesday, so use this time wisely.

Please remember to check ProgressBook for updated grades.  If you notice any discrepancies, please bring them to my attention immediately.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

JVS Craft Show

October 22, 2011
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Over 150 vendors will be present making the JVS Craft show one of the largest in the county. There is a $2.00 door charge that will support Vocational Youth Clubs at the school. Canned food donations for the Second Harvest Food Bank will also be accepted and make donors eligible for a door prize drawing.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Caption Contest #1

Once in a while, I like to give students the chance to be creative and earn some extra credit.  This is one of those opportunities!

Check out this picture and come up with a snappy caption.  Post your comment to the blog by Thursday, September 22nd, and you'll earn five bonus points!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Class Website Reminder

Just a reminder that I have an active class website to explore.  In addition, you can add your email address to receive notice when updates to the page are made.  Please visit and check it out!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Progress Book

ProgressBook is the online gradebook for Lorain County JVS.  Passwords for students have been given to lab teachers, so all should be aware of the grades they are earning.  Login information and passwords for parents have been mailed home. 

If you have any questions about using ProgressBook, please contact the JVS.  While this won't replace teacher-parent contact, we hope to keep everyone up-to-date with class assignments and grades.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Remembering September 11

A dark period in America's recent history was the events surrounding September 11, 2001.  As we approach the ten year anniversary of these attacks on our nation, it is natural to reflect and remember our own experiences from that day.

I was teaching at JVS that day and remember students coming to me with stories.  I had no idea what was happening and spent most of the morning trying to calm their fears.  As the day unfolded and the reality of what had happened became more clear, my first thought was of my students that could possibly be fighting this war for us. 

If you would like to earn 5 bonus points, comment below with your memories from this day.  You can include your parents' memories also.  Comments must be made before Monday, September 12th to be eligible for bonus points.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Welcome Students!

I can't believe it's back-to-school time already!  It seams like just yesterday that I was saying goodbye to my seniors and planning my summer vacation.  Don't worry though--I have been spending lots of time planning new activities for this school year.

I teach four different classes at JVS.  Some of you may be enrolled in Psychology for the first semester. This is a social studies elective and an interesting look at an individual's thoughts and actions.  Sociology is a second semester social studies elective.  This class looks at functions in society and elements that are universal.  I also teach the required American Civics course for seniors.  In this class, we look at our government, modern American history, and personal finance issues.  Finally, I teach Practical Computer Applications, a computer applications elective.  The focus of this class is to help students use technology productively.

Please feel free to visit my class websites (linked above) and this blog to stay updated on what's going on in our classroom.  It wouldn't be a bad idea to sign up to follow my blog and also sign up for updates to the class websites.  I can also be reached by phone and email.  And again--welcome back to another wonderful school year!

~Mrs. Pluta
(440) 774-1051, ext. 2498

Friday, June 10, 2011

We Did It!

Although I won't spend my summer days at the JVS, school is never far from my mind.  I usually spend my summers taking classes and working on my curriculum.  Don't worry, I'll also manage to spend some time relaxing, reading, and vacationing too.

If you need anything over the summer, just send me an email.  I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Friday, May 27, 2011

End of the Line for Juniors!

Now that the seniors are gone, the building will seem much quieter.  While we may feel like celebrating, we have a little work left to complete.  Most important on the list: preparing for final exams.

For Sociology, students will take their final test over Chapter Fourteen.  This chapter looked at two important and sometimes controversial topics in our society: education and religion.  The test will be a regular chapter test and will be open notes.

In Practical Computer Applications, students will need to complete the final project.  The final exam will be a PowerPoint presentation on your dream house.  It should contain different parts of the final project.

Final exams will be given beginning June 7th. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Senior Recgonition Ceremony

On Thursday, May 26, Seniors will be honored for their accomplishments at the JVS.  All seniors will receive their Career Portfolio and be announced with their programs. 

Each program will also recognize a student as the Outstanding Senior.  These students are the overall best in their individual programs.  Those receiving JVS scholarships will also be acknowledged.  Finally, each Academy will award a cash prize to the student that prepared the best Career Portfolio.

Good luck to all the seniors!  Whether you're pursuing additional education, joining the military, or heading to work, we know you are well prepared.  Please remember to keep in touch!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Final Exam Updates

Final exams are just around the corner for Seniors.  Be prepared to take these finals beginning on Friday, May 20th.
  • Sociology: seniors will use the chapter twelve test over The Family as the final exam.
  • American Civics: the citizenship test we used to begin this school year will be the basis for the final exam; this is CLOSED notes, so be sure to study.
  • Practical Computer Applications: the presentation on your dream house will count as your final exam grade.
Final grades for seniors will be calculated as soon as possible!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Caption Contest #3

If you're interested, earn FIVE bonus points by participating in this caption contest.  Post a comment by the end of the school day on Monday, May 9th.  Be creative!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Cue the Music!

This weekend, I've spent some time watching the 2011 NFL Draft.  I'm a big football fan, so this is an important event.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that even though I didn't get to draft all of you to my classes I am glad to have had this year with you.  I hope you all have learned something this year--course content or even a life lesson.  Please continue to embrace learning in your lives.  There is always something we can learn from others and our experiences.  Do not pass up the opportunities that will surround you.

To my seniors, good luck.  You are all wonderful people and have very promising futures!  To the juniors, you're almost there.  Relax this summer and come back next year with a little energy.

Just a reminder that 4th Quarter interim grades are due next week.  We are really coming to a close for this school year.  Seniors have three weeks before final exams and juniors have five.  I'll try not to give you too much work if you agree to study a little!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April Showers Bring...

From my personal experience, April showers seem to bring a lot of cranky moods!  It's easy to look forward to the end of the year, but we need to make sure we're staying on top of things too.

In American Civics, we are discussing the 1950s and 1960s.  Topics include the Cold War, the Korean Conflict, and the Vietnam War.  Sociology classes are talking about social stratification.  We're going to discuss the different classes that exist in the United States and figure out where we should be placed.  Computer Applications has finished a unit on Google Documents.  Students have been able to see the different (and free) programs Google offers.

Hopefully we'll get into the swing of things again.  We have three full weeks to get through before Senior final exams.  In reality, that's nothing.  It won't be long before we're enjoying the summer sunshine.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Break--Part II

Although we had our Spring Break a couple weeks ago, we have another chance for a little break.  We have off this Friday, April 22, and also Monday, April 25. 

Hopefully everyone has great success looking for Easter Eggs!  Enjoy the time off.  Remember when we return, we'll be that much closer to the end of the school year. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

We've Got to Keep On Moving!

Most of you are ready to check out for the year, but we're not quite there yet!  Seniors may only have 27 days left, but that means we have 27 days of work to complete!

In American Civics, we are going to discuss the Cold War, Korean Conflict, and Vietnam.  As a reminder, our final exam is going to be based on the citizenship test we took at the beginning of the year.  This final will be closed notes, so you should begin studying now.

Sociology is going to take the test over Crime and Deviance on Monday.  Our next unit focuses on Social Stratification.  This is an interesting subject as we will discuss the Caste system of India.  It's often difficult to grasp the idea that people can't change their social ranking with personal effort.

In Computer Applications, we'll continue our exploration of all the free tools Google has to offer.  Students have become bloggers in their own right and have explored Google Documents.  This is a great tool because students can access the items from any Internet source.  In addition, documents are saved to the Internet--no flash drive is needed to save information.  Students have been amazed to work on items at the same time too!

This is just what we have going on this week.  I promise to have tons of lessons and activities for our remaining weeks!  Plan on keeping busy.  It's not time to check out yet.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Caption Contest--Part Two

Last week, I ran a caption contest and thought some of the entries were pretty good.  If you're interested, take a stab at this one.  Again, those participating will earn 5 bonus points.  Simply type your entry into the box below the post!  Be creative and have some fun.

This caption contest ends at 3:00 on Friday, April 15th.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Test Time

Both my American Civics and Sociology students will be taking tests soon.  Are you prepared?

American Civics will finally finish up World War II.  Students have taken a lot of notes.  If you haven't taken as many as you should have, they are on my JVS website.  Be sure to check that out and be prepared for the test.

Sociology will finish the unit on Deviance and Crime on Tuesday.  They won't begin the final test until next week.  Notes for chapter eight are also on my JVS website.  Make sure you've copied them before coming in to take the test!

As we begin the fourth quarter, it is important to do well.  All of you have the ability to do well.  Be prepared and you will ace your test!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

4th Quarter!

Tonight, I'm finishing up third quarter grades.  It's obvious that some of you have really put forth the effort needed to do well.  Others, not so much.  We're reaching the finish line folks; let's finish this out!

As we enter the fourth quarter, I have some important reminders.
  • First, maintain good attendance.  Most of you don't have a problem with this, but as the weather improves it may be more difficult.  Your attendance has a direct impact on your grades, so show up!
  • Second, complete those daily assignments.  It shouldn't be difficult to answer a simple question each day.  Five points a day may not seem important, but they add up.
  • Third, remember that you need to pass both the third and fourth quarters or one quarter and the final exam.  If you already passed the third quarter, just pass the fourth quarter!
  • Finally, I'm always here.  If you ever need additional help, please ask.
We can do this!