This blog contains information for Mrs. Pluta's classes at the Lorain County JVS. It is hoped that Our Classroom Connection will keep students engaged in class discussion outside the school day.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Remembering September 11

A dark period in America's recent history was the events surrounding September 11, 2001.  As we approach the ten year anniversary of these attacks on our nation, it is natural to reflect and remember our own experiences from that day.

I was teaching at JVS that day and remember students coming to me with stories.  I had no idea what was happening and spent most of the morning trying to calm their fears.  As the day unfolded and the reality of what had happened became more clear, my first thought was of my students that could possibly be fighting this war for us. 

If you would like to earn 5 bonus points, comment below with your memories from this day.  You can include your parents' memories also.  Comments must be made before Monday, September 12th to be eligible for bonus points.


  1. I was in 2nd grade and my mom came to pick me up and we went to my grandmas to watched it on te news.

  2. I remember on September 11, 2001 I was in second grade and my teachers stopped the classes to watch the news report and so I watched the second plane hit the second tower.

  3. i was in second grade my mom came an pulled me from school an watched it happen on the tv at home

  4. I was in the first grade i remember all of the teacher huddeling in a circle talkinfg then the principale announced all teachers to turn on the tv's they turned them on and i remember seeing the first tower billowing with smoke we kept watchin even though i was in first grade i knew something was wrong we kept watching and the second plane hit the second tower after seeing it i wasa terrified soon after that my mom came and rushed to get me from school and took me home i remember her looking in the sky every five minutes to see if she seen any odd lookin planes flying low we got home and turned the tv on and started watching again it wasa about five mins after i got home when the first tower fell my mom freaked out and started crying we kept watching and then the second tower came down after that my mom was glued to the tv i remember walking away and continuing my day.

  5. Thanks to the above students for posting their comments. You each have earned five bonus points.
