This blog contains information for Mrs. Pluta's classes at the Lorain County JVS. It is hoped that Our Classroom Connection will keep students engaged in class discussion outside the school day.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Last Lecture Project

Students in my American Civics classes have been working on a major project that also counts towards Mrs. Bilczo's English class.  Titled A Last Lecture, the project combines the book The Last Lecture with A&E's Biography of the Millennium series.

Students had the opportunity to choose one of the one hundred most influential people of the last millenia.  You can see the list HERE.  Each student is learning about a different person from this list.  They will be reading a biography on their person and then preparing a paper and a presentation.

The presentation is connected to the novel they've read in English.  In The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch shares life advice.  You are able to view Pausch's actual last lecture at the Last Lecture website.  The video is very moving, because he was dying of pancreatic cancer.

In addition to all the hard work, students will have the opportunity to shop at Goodwill and Great Northern Mall on Friday, March 11.  For their presentations, students must dress and act as the subject of their biographies.  Hopefully they'll be able to find some clothes and props to use on this field trip.  A big thanks goes out to the JVS Educational Foundation.  They are providing each student with some money to use on this field trip.

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