This blog contains information for Mrs. Pluta's classes at the Lorain County JVS. It is hoped that Our Classroom Connection will keep students engaged in class discussion outside the school day.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What Do You Think?

I came across this article the other day and thought it aligned perfectly with Civics as we're discussing World War II.  Per the article, Leeland Davidson (who is now 95 years old) recently discovered he was not a U.S. citizen, after living in the United States for most of his life and serving our country during WWII.

Mr. Davidson During WWII and Today
Mr. Davidson was born in British Columbia to two American citizens.  Upon his enlistment, he questioned his citizenship and was informed he was fine.  Recently he decided to visit some relatives in Canada and was denied a special driver's license because he's not a citizen.  Click here to check out an interview with Mr. Davidson.

What do you think?  I'm assuming most of you will agree that Mr. Davidson is a U.S. citizen and shouldn't have to deal with this drama.  Do you think he should pursue it or should he leave it go as suggested?  Leave a comment before school resumes on April 4th for five bonus points.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Break!

It almost seemed like it would never arrive, but we have finally made it to Spring Break.  Hopefully students will use this time off to relax; they have earned it.  When we return, students will have a short week.  That Friday will be a teacher in-service day and is also the end of the third quarter.

 Seniors should use this time to complete all of the college scholarship applications.  Hopefully you've requested your letters of recommendation.  Use this time to write your essays--it will pay off in the end.  Check out the scholarships that are exculsively for our students at the JVS.

My family isn't going anywhere for Spring Break this year, but I plan on enjoying my time off school too!  Behave and be safe.  I'll see everyone on April 4th!

The Last Lectures

Seniors presented the last lecture of their selected biographies on Wednesday.  We were so proud of all of them.  A few guests stop in for presentations and had only positive comments to share.  Those walking by while we were taking the picture were also impressed. 

Students had amazing costumes, excellent props, and well-rehearsed presentations.  After seven weeks of work, we were all able to sit back and enjoy the performances!

Our Whole Group!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


This evening, the Lorain County JVS Teachers' Association is hosting a spaghetti dinner.  With a $10 ticket, guests can enjoy a fresh salad, a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, and a delicious dessert.  All proceeds will benefit the students at JVS.

Tickets will be available at the door.  Please stop out between 4:00 and 7:30 and support the wonderful students and programs!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Last Lectures!

Today, students are scheduled to give their presentations on their biographies for the joint project in my Civics and Mrs. Bilczo's English classes.  I admit, I am really excited to see what our students were able to prepare.

These presentations represent a lot of hard work and effort.  We have been working on this assignment since January, and I'm sure students are just as anxious to finish.

Check back for some pictures of the presentation.  Hopefully some of our students will be willing to post some comments--all positive, I'm sure.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Super Moon

Did you see the Super Moon?  If you were outside or anywhere near a window Saturday night, I'm guessing you did.  According to NASA, this large full moon is the biggest full moon we've had in twenty years.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Important Reminder

A string tied to your finger is one way to remember something important.  This is a reminder for my Civics students, to find a way to remember the final due dates for the Last Lecture project!
  • Papers and Journals are due Monday, March 21st
  • Presentations will be given on Wednesday, March 23rd.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact me immediately!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's March 17th!

For the Irish, St. Patrick's Day was always a religious occasion.  For most Americans, it's a day of fun and celebration.  

The JVS Marketing and Management students have been working on raising money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.  Students were able to buy a shamrock for $1 or $5 to support this great cause.  Teachers were able to donate $5 for a jeans day, providing they wear green.  Hopefully, the students were able to raise a lot of money for such a worthwhile cause. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

World Trade Center Memorial Ceremony

The Lorain County JVS held a ceremony on Monday to begin the process of building a memorial to the September 11th bombings.  View pictures at the JVS webpage

One of the supervisors at JVS was instrumental in bringing a large piece of metal from the World Trade Center that will be used to construct a memorial.  Our students will be involved in designing and creating this important remembrance.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March Madness

At a staff meeting last week, we spoke about March Madness.  Any sports freak immediately thinks about the NCAA basketball tournament that kicks off this week.  Our administration was talking about the students though!  March tends to be a long month--no days off until Spring Break--and everyone gets a little restless.  It's difficult to remember there is an end in sight, especially with the way our weather has been.  Who isn't feeling a little restless?

So, don't be one of the crazy people adding to the school's March Madness.  Make sure you keep up with your school work and study for all your tests.  My Civics students have the big Last Lecture project to work on and we're also still learning about World War II.  Sociology just finished their Cultural Diversity projects and is going to learn a little about different types of societies.  Computers has learned about Word, Publisher, and Paint.  Next up will be a fun Internet-based program and looking at all that Google has to offer.

I will be watching lots of basketball in the upcoming weeks.  My apologies now if I'm behind in grading papers!  You know me, I always have an excuse. 

Leave me a comment and let me know--who do you have winning it all?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Should Parenting be a Battle?

Students in my Sociology class have been discussing Cultural Diversity.  Students have shared wonderful presentations and we have all learned a lot about different societies and subcultures.  In the midst of this, one of my students recommended that I read Amy Chua's novel Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.  In this book, Chua shares her views of parenting and the story of how she raised her own two daughters, Sophia and Lulu.

Here's a short list of what Chua's daughters couldn't do:
  • attend a sleepover
  • watch TV
  • choose their own extracurricular activities
  • play any instrument other than the piano or violin
  • earn any grade less than an A
What were her daughters allowed to do?
  • practice piano or violin for no less than five hours a day
  • give their parents complete respect
  • come in first place for any competition
  • leave school during recess, music, or gym to practice piano or violin
As  a parent, I can honestly say I have nothing in common with Chua.  I would be the parent she describes as a Western Parent.  Throughout the book, she refers to this parenting style with negativity.

For five bonus points, let me know what you think.  Leave a comment below by Friday, March 11th.  What kind of parenting style do you believe is the best?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Last Lecture Project

Students in my American Civics classes have been working on a major project that also counts towards Mrs. Bilczo's English class.  Titled A Last Lecture, the project combines the book The Last Lecture with A&E's Biography of the Millennium series.

Students had the opportunity to choose one of the one hundred most influential people of the last millenia.  You can see the list HERE.  Each student is learning about a different person from this list.  They will be reading a biography on their person and then preparing a paper and a presentation.

The presentation is connected to the novel they've read in English.  In The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch shares life advice.  You are able to view Pausch's actual last lecture at the Last Lecture website.  The video is very moving, because he was dying of pancreatic cancer.

In addition to all the hard work, students will have the opportunity to shop at Goodwill and Great Northern Mall on Friday, March 11.  For their presentations, students must dress and act as the subject of their biographies.  Hopefully they'll be able to find some clothes and props to use on this field trip.  A big thanks goes out to the JVS Educational Foundation.  They are providing each student with some money to use on this field trip.