This blog contains information for Mrs. Pluta's classes at the Lorain County JVS. It is hoped that Our Classroom Connection will keep students engaged in class discussion outside the school day.

Monday, March 26, 2012

End of the Third Quarter

Just a reminder that Thursday is the end of the Third Quarter.  All work must be completed if students want to receive any credit.  Look for report cards some time before Spring Break.

At the JVS, students must receive two passing grades for the the second semester.  If a student would happen to fail the third quarter, he/she would have to pass both the fourth quarter and the final exam.


  1. im so glad this 3rd quarter is almost over, this year flew by really fast and its already almost the end of the year.
    Brii Seitz

  2. i honestly hate when teachers dont grade papers and the whole quater my grades suck until they grade those papers....just saying.
