This blog contains information for Mrs. Pluta's classes at the Lorain County JVS. It is hoped that Our Classroom Connection will keep students engaged in class discussion outside the school day.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Vocational Youth Clubs

An important item for students and parents to understand is the roll of Vocational Youth Clubs at Lorain County JVS. All students become members of a specific club, determined by their vocational program. 

This Spring, students are participating in regional contests with the hopes of advancing to State Competitions.  Every year we have a large number of students that advance to the state level, and we have had students continue to Nationals. Good luck to all students participating in contests!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

PowerTeacher Reminder

Just a reminder that parents and students should be frequently checking PowerTeacher for updated assignments and grades.  While we will still send the occasional progress report home, this is the best way to keep informed of a student's performance.  The website can be found by looking under Links of Interest at the JVS Webpage or by clicking here.

For students: log in to PowerTeacher by using your school ID and regular password that you log into the computers with.
For parents: please contact the school office if you need login information or assistance.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

No School!

There is no school this Monday, February 18th.  This day has been set aside to honor our American Presidents.  While most of us dont' take the time to think of our presidents, it's not a bad idea.
So for five bonus points, post a comment on which U.S. President is the most influential.  Share your choice and a reason why by the end of the day on Wednesday, February 20th.  I can't wait to see who you choose!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Extra Credit Opportunity

If you're interested in earning some bonus points and you're enrolled in my American Civics class, visit my JVS website for a Presidents' Day trivia assingment.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is usually seen as a day of romance.  It doesn't have to be though!  In our house, Valentine's Day is a chance to let everyone you love--grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins--how much you appreciate them.
Hopefully your Valentine's Day is enjoyable and you have the chance to let others know you're glad they're a part of your life.  And hopefully others will let you know how special you are too!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

JVS Tries to Stop Bullying

This year, our principal Mrs. Petitti has made it a priority to stop bullying at JVS.  With this in mind, the JVS has recently established a telephone tip line for students to call to anonymously report a bullying incident or safety issue.
A student who prefers to report anonymously can call 440/774-6959 and select Option 7.  An automated system will allow the caller to choose an incident number so he/she can call back at a later time to receive an update on the status of the incident or provide new information. Students are encouraged to report verbal, written, physical, or electronic abuse. All reports are taken seriously.
We understand that not everyone is comfortable speaking directly to an administrator, teacher, or counselor.  It is our hope that this number will allow students to protect themselves and their fellow students.
Since JVS is a school of choice, we want everyone that makes the decision to attend JVS to be happy.  By establishing this tip line, we hope to make everyone aware that we will not tolerate bullying of any kind.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Open House

On Sunday, Lorain County JVS will host our anual open house.  This is a wonderful opportunity for community members to visit JVS and see all we have to offer.
We hope to see:
  • Sophomores who are interested in attending JVS for the 2013-2014 school year.  Please come out and visit the different programs you may want to join.
  • Adults who need additional training.  We have a lot to offer!  You may be interested in training for a new career, acquiring new skills to advance in your current job, or learning something for fun.
  • Tax payers should come out and see what we're doing.  We have purchased new equiptment for our students to train in their future careers.  We have a variety of labs helping students learn more about the building trades, medical careers, the business world, service jobs, and transportation.
We are very proud of our students and all they accomplish.  If you're free this Sunday, come see what we have to offer Lorain County.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Caption Contest #2

Interested in some bonus points for class?  Check out this picture.  Post a caption for it in the comment box.  Be sure to include your name and I'll give you 5 bonus points.  Be sure to post your comment by the end of the day on Thursday, February 7th!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Welcome February!

February is our shortest month, but it's also one of our busiest.

We started it off right though on Saturday.  There are a number of groundhots out there that were being watched and most of them didn't see their shadows.  That (despite our wonderful snowfall on Saturday) means an early spring.  I'm OK with that!  Hopefully you're all ready for some warmer weather too.  Enjoy the snow while we have it, it won't last forever.