This blog contains information for Mrs. Pluta's classes at the Lorain County JVS. It is hoped that Our Classroom Connection will keep students engaged in class discussion outside the school day.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Caption Contest #4

Here is a chance to earn some extra credit for the second quarter.  Below is a picture.  If you post a comment by the end of the day on Wednesday, November 30th, you will earn five bonus points.  Be sure to include your name!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

For five bonus points, post a comment with something you're thankful for.  Be sure to post before school starts on Monday.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

New Research Assignments

Last quarter, Psychology students selected, read, summarized, and evaluated four articles from Psychology Today online.  This quarter, they have chosen a subject to research.  Students will compile a fact sheet, create a tri-fold board, and participate in a pscyhology fair.  We will be working on this assignment throughout the quarter.  Please check my JVS Website for up-to-date information.

For my American Civics classes, students researched the government of a different country.  They had the option of preparing a paper or sharing a presentation.  This quarter, they are reading the biography of a person that has had an influence on America.  They will keep a journal while reading and then write a paper AND share a presentation.  This is a joint project with Mrs. Bilczo's English classes and Mrs. Eland's American Civics classes.  There is more information at my JVS Website.

Monday, November 14, 2011

2nd Quarter

Today is the first day of the second quarter.  For those of you that did not like your first quarter grade, you have the chance to improve.  For those of you that had some success, keep up the good work!  This quarter is not as long as the first, and we also have Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks to interrupt it.  The year is going quickly, I hope you're taking advantage of learning opportunities and also enjoy your year!

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Day of Remembrance

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that have served in any branch of our armed forces.  I appreciate the protection you have provided to myself, my family, and the rest of America.  It is an extreme sacrifice to serve in the military, so today we thank you!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Welcome November

Don't be mesmerized by the pretty fall colors, you still have some work to do!  The first quarter ends November 11th and Civics and Psychology have the quarterly projects to turn in. 

We have a long stretch until Thanksgiving break, so stay focused!