This blog contains information for Mrs. Pluta's classes at the Lorain County JVS. It is hoped that Our Classroom Connection will keep students engaged in class discussion outside the school day.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Calendar Update

It's hard to believe, but the end of the second quarter is right around the corner.  I wanted to take this time to update everyone on January's calendar.

First, school resumes on Monday, January 3.  There is no school on Monday, January 17 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. 

For all JVS classes, we will have semester exams for year-long courses and final exams for semester courses at the end of the second quarter.  For my classes, these exams will be given on Monday, January 24 and Tuesday, January 25.  Please check the individual class websites for more information.

 At JVS, we host sophomores from around Lorain County for Sophomore Career Days.  This year, they will be held on Wednesday, January 26 and Thursday, January 27.  Students will not have academic classes either day.  Please check with individual lab teachers for schedules for these two days.  It is possible for students to have one of these days off or to have two half days.

Finally, there is no school on Friday, January 28.  This is an inservice day for teachers.  We will be computing 2nd Quarter and Semester/Final Exam grades and participating in some scheduled activities.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Almost Break Time!

As we get closer to the end of December, it seems to be more difficult to keep up.   Maybe it's due to the lack of sunshine or daytime.  Winter Break starts at the end of school on Tuesday, December 21st.  It's just around the corner.

All of the classes will still be busy.  Civics will be starting a unit on the Judicial Branch and the 1920s, Psychology will finish up our unit on Psychological Disorders, and Computers will explore some templates in Word.  No one will have work to do over break though!

Please remember we are still conducting the toy drive for The Chronicle Telegram and their Not Forgotten Box.  Students have the chance to earn ten bonus points by donating a new toy to this worthwhile cause.

This kitty is having a lot of trouble staying away.  Hopefully we won't be like her as we try to make it through the next seven school days.  Interim grades are due this Friday.  Once we return from Break, we will only have a few weeks left in the second quarter!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Compulsive Hoarding

We are in the midst of discussing psychological disorders in Psychology class.  One disorder we recently discussed was Compulsive Hoarding.  This disorder is a specific type of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which is an Anxiety Disorder. 

People suffering from Compulsive Hoarding have an intense desire to keep everything, despite its lack of value.  In addition to learning about the disorder, students also watched an episode of Hoarders from A&E TV.  There are several episodes available at their website. 

A house before intervention.
 For five bonus points, post a comment below about Compulsive Hoarding.  If you're unable to post, you can write a five sentence response.  Extra credit must be completed by Friday, December 10.

Snow Days

Just a few notes about snow days.  On Tuesday, we had four schools that were closed because of the weather. 

If your home school is closed and the bus is not running and you have no alternate form of transportation, it would be an excused absence. 

Remember, this year we only have three days that will be excused as snow days.  After that, any additional snow days will have to be made up.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Enjoy a Little Laugh

I came across this video today and thought I would pass it along to all of you. 

There are some days that I feel like the penguin going down through that ice.  Then there are the days I wish I could be that other penguin and let somebody have it.  Hopefully we can make it through the rest of December without being either one.  Enjoy!

Toys for Tots

Every year, the JVS has a Toys for Tots donation drive.  This year if students would like to participate, they can earn bonus points for my class.  With a one-time donation of a new toy, students will earn 10 extra credit points.  Toys may be donated until December 21st.  All collected toys are donated to The Chronicle Telegram's Not Forgotten Box.